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Health, Wellness

Out Of The Office: How To Use Fitness As Self-Help and Support

9:30 AM–10:25 AM Oct 18, 2022 (US - Central)

Room B1, BoS Center


The world of administration can be tough to navigate and can feel overwhelming and isolating at times. The importance of connections with like-minded colleagues is vital to success and the multi-layered areas of well-being while navigating those waters. In this session, Juletta and Jamie will speak of their experiences in combining two of their passions, education and fitness, to become part of a fitness accountability group. This group, composed of Superintendents, Principals, Assistant Principals and even a district level Instructional coach, has aided them both in physical and mental fitness, growth in leadership capacity for their schools, facing challenges, and ultimately personal growth and support as they continue to lead in education. Attendees will be provided with resources to begin, become a part of, or continue their own health and wellness journeys.
