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Grooming 101 - A Predator's Playbook

9:30 AM–10:25 AM Oct 18, 2022 (US - Central)

Room B10, BoS Center


Grooming 101 - A Predator's Playbook is a presentation that I developed from my dual lens of Educator Sexual Abuse Survivor and Superintendent's Wife. I put this presentation together to help individuals recognize the red flags that a child is being groomed in an institutional setting. From my 20/20 hindsight lens of survivor, I break down each of step of grooming to show the participants what we often miss. From my lens of a Superintendent's wife, I show the financial and emotional fallout to students, educators, communities, boards and institutions that occur when there is a failure to report grooming and abuse. Beginning July 1, 2022, Faith's Law aka House Bill 1975 mandates that all schools train their staff on grooming and professional misconduct. This type of training will now be required in every school across the State of Illinois. I believe this presentation will give administrators and educators the tools they need to protect their students as well as give them the opportunity to schedule and have this presentation in their own schools to fulfill that mandate.
